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  5. Order Button

Order Button

Displays order button for given WHMCS Service (Hosting Plan). Service id is the only required parameter if no other parameters are given yearly service price is returned.

[whmpress_order_button id = "" ]


  • id: Id of the service (Hosting Plan), You can find the IDs of all your services in WHMpress > Services/Products section.
  • html_id: add a custom id to the table element for further CSS customization.
  • html_class: Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element.
  • currency: Used with multi-currency, set the Currency in which price is displayed, if not mentioned session currency is used (which user have selected), if no session is found, currency set as default in WHMCS is used.
  • billingcycle: Billing cycle of service, one from one-time, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, biennially, triennially. If skipped, yearly price is returned.
  • button_text: Text to show on the button.
  • params: This will append custom parameters with order URL.