Developers / Theme Authors

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Note: Document assumes you are familiar with WHMpress plugin.
This readme covers information for WP theme authors who want to offer tight integration with WHMCS using WHMpress. WHMpress allows theme authors to match its shortcodes with their theme components using HTML templates and placeholders.
HTML Template for each shortcode is placed in its own folder within /your-theme-name/whmpress/. Lets consider “whmpress_pricing_table” shortcode. It will have a directory like this.


While inserting whmpress_pricing_table shortcode, WHMpress will look for “.html” files in above template and list them in dropdown for end user to select. End user will be able to select a template while inserting short-code. WHMpress will use the selected template to render the Shortcode’s HTML.
For example you can have 4 different styles pricing tables you will make 4 separate files. e.g.


[image file from VC showing these templates]

  • To kickstart your development we have provided a development kit with ready to use examples. Simply place the content in your theme folder and then insert a WHMpress Shortcode, you will see additional HTML templates to select.
  • Open any template file, adjust the html as needed, apply your classes and you are good to go.
  • For ease of use, documentation and instructions are placed in each sample file included in kit.\
  • You can include any addional CSS in your themes or can place in file